Isi Paket "Transfer Factor Healthy Living"
# 2botol Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula
# 2botol Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula
seharga Rp.2.030.000,-
*HEMAT: Rp.506.000,-
Hubungi: 0817 22 6000
bbm: 27649C00
Everything in my Mind.. Everything in my Heart.. Everything in my Soul.. Everything in my Live's.. Everything in my World ~Do & Be The Best~ Don't Worry, Be Happy! (• ˆ⌣ˆ •)
31 Mei, 2012
Solusi Terbebas dari Efek Samping Kemoterapi
Solusi yang dapat dilakukan
untuk terbebas dari Efek Samping Kemoterapi
bisa dilakukan menggunakan Transfer Factor
Manfaat Pengobatan Dengan Konsumsi Transfer Factor:
1.Tidak ada Efek Samping
(bayi berusia 1hari saja sudah boleh mengkonsumsinya)
2.Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh 283% sampai 437% dari normal
(sehingga sel Imun kita mampu membunuh sel-sel kanker dengan cepat)
3.Jaringan sel-sel tubuh yang disekitar kanker tetap sehat
(tidak ikut rusak pada waktu menjalani pengobatan / kemoterapi)
4.Mampu memulihkan kondisi tubuh lebih cepat
(setelah dilakukan Kemoterapi)
5.Dapat dilakukan bersamaan semasa Kemoterapi
(sebagai pencegahan dari timbulnya efek samping kemoterapi)
6.Tidak ada persyaratan khusus dalam mengkonsumsi Transfer Factor
Info / Konsultasi lebih lanjut
Hubungi: 0817 22 6000
bbm: 27649C00
untuk terbebas dari Efek Samping Kemoterapi
bisa dilakukan menggunakan Transfer Factor
Manfaat Pengobatan Dengan Konsumsi Transfer Factor:
1.Tidak ada Efek Samping
(bayi berusia 1hari saja sudah boleh mengkonsumsinya)
2.Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh 283% sampai 437% dari normal
(sehingga sel Imun kita mampu membunuh sel-sel kanker dengan cepat)
3.Jaringan sel-sel tubuh yang disekitar kanker tetap sehat
(tidak ikut rusak pada waktu menjalani pengobatan / kemoterapi)
4.Mampu memulihkan kondisi tubuh lebih cepat
(setelah dilakukan Kemoterapi)
5.Dapat dilakukan bersamaan semasa Kemoterapi
(sebagai pencegahan dari timbulnya efek samping kemoterapi)
6.Tidak ada persyaratan khusus dalam mengkonsumsi Transfer Factor
Info / Konsultasi lebih lanjut
Hubungi: 0817 22 6000
bbm: 27649C00
4Life Transfer Factor RioVida - Beli 11 Gratis 1
4Life Transfer Factor Plus - Beli 10 Gratis 2
4Life Transfer Factor - Beli 10 Gratis 2
30 Mei, 2012
bukti pembayaran air
Walaupun kita memiliki kehendak bebas
untuk melakukan apapun yang kita inginkan
kita juga perlu mengingat bahwa
kita harus bisa mempertanggungjawabkan semua yang kita lakukan.

bukti pembayaran air (tunggakan) PALYJA
yang belum dibayar oleh: Agnes Susanto / Agnes Aulia Mayasari
selama memakai rumah tersebut.
untuk melakukan apapun yang kita inginkan
kita juga perlu mengingat bahwa
kita harus bisa mempertanggungjawabkan semua yang kita lakukan.

bukti pembayaran air (tunggakan) PALYJA
yang belum dibayar oleh: Agnes Susanto / Agnes Aulia Mayasari
selama memakai rumah tersebut.
Kejujuran Pilar Kebahagiaan dan Kedamaian
Kejujuran merupakan salah satu pilar dari
kebahagiaan dan kedamaian (• ˆ⌣ˆ •)
Di luar sana banyak sekali orang yang punya kebiasaan tidak jujur
bahkan kebohongan sering dijadikan mode / trend yang terus dikembangkan..
Apa yang akan didapatkan dari kebohongan atau ketidakjujuran itu?
Mereka akan mengalami kehancuran
karena mereka akan menuai hasil kebohongan atau ketidakjujuran itu
karena suatu saat kebohongan akan terungkap juga.
Marilah kita dalam hidup selalu menjalani kehidupan dalam kejujuran
agar kehidupan dipenuhi kebahagiaan dan kedamaian.
Selamat membangun karakter hidup penuh kejujuran
dan Anda akan selalu dipenuhi Kebahagiaan dan Kedamaian (• ˆ⌣ˆ •)
kebahagiaan dan kedamaian (• ˆ⌣ˆ •)
Di luar sana banyak sekali orang yang punya kebiasaan tidak jujur
bahkan kebohongan sering dijadikan mode / trend yang terus dikembangkan..
Apa yang akan didapatkan dari kebohongan atau ketidakjujuran itu?
Mereka akan mengalami kehancuran
karena mereka akan menuai hasil kebohongan atau ketidakjujuran itu
karena suatu saat kebohongan akan terungkap juga.
Marilah kita dalam hidup selalu menjalani kehidupan dalam kejujuran
agar kehidupan dipenuhi kebahagiaan dan kedamaian.
Selamat membangun karakter hidup penuh kejujuran
dan Anda akan selalu dipenuhi Kebahagiaan dan Kedamaian (• ˆ⌣ˆ •)
28 Mei, 2012
Tanggung Jawab berkaitan Pengampunan
Hari ini Senin / 28 Mei 2012,
saya memutuskan untuk membayar tagihan air PALYJA
yang dipakai oleh Agnes Susanto / Agnes Aulia Mayasari
sebesar Rp.5.216.125,-
Saya ingin menyampaikan,
sebagai seseorang itu harus bertanggung jawab
atas semua hal yang dilakukannya.
Ini merupakan hal penting dalam kehidupan,
rantai dari bermulanya kepercayaan hingga dendam
terletak pada 'tanggung jawab'
dari setiap hal yang dilakukan
oleh masing-masing insan manusia.
Setiap kita menyakiti maupun melukai orang lain
dengan sadar maupun tidak sadar,
kita bertanggung jawab untuk semua hal tersebut.
Ini mungkin terasa seperti hal sederhana / sepele
namun hasil dan akibatnya sangatlah tidak sepele..
Mohon hal ini boleh menjadi perenungan bagi kita semua.
TUHAN Memberkati (• ˆ⌣ˆ •)
saya memutuskan untuk membayar tagihan air PALYJA
yang dipakai oleh Agnes Susanto / Agnes Aulia Mayasari
sebesar Rp.5.216.125,-
Saya ingin menyampaikan,
sebagai seseorang itu harus bertanggung jawab
atas semua hal yang dilakukannya.
Ini merupakan hal penting dalam kehidupan,
rantai dari bermulanya kepercayaan hingga dendam
terletak pada 'tanggung jawab'
dari setiap hal yang dilakukan
oleh masing-masing insan manusia.
Setiap kita menyakiti maupun melukai orang lain
dengan sadar maupun tidak sadar,
kita bertanggung jawab untuk semua hal tersebut.
Ini mungkin terasa seperti hal sederhana / sepele
namun hasil dan akibatnya sangatlah tidak sepele..
Mohon hal ini boleh menjadi perenungan bagi kita semua.
TUHAN Memberkati (• ˆ⌣ˆ •)
25 Mei, 2012
I See The Light
All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here, suddenly I see
Standing here, it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be
And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you
All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things the way they were
Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here, suddenly I know
If she's here, it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go
And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog is lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once, everything is different
Now that I see you, now that I see you
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here, suddenly I see
Standing here, it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be
And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you
All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things the way they were
Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here, suddenly I know
If she's here, it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go
And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog is lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once, everything is different
Now that I see you, now that I see you
23 Mei, 2012
Dijual Manggu Residence - Pusat kota Bandung
Dijual Manggu Residence
JL. Kebon Manggu No.20
Dekat dengan: King's, Yogya Kepatihan, Pasar Baru.
Dekat dengan jalan: Otto Iskandar Dinata, Jenderal Sudirman, Asia Afrika dan Dewi Sartika.
Keadaan Bangunan Baru dan Baik,
Sirkulasi Udara Baik,
tersedia garasi untuk parkir mobil / motor
Hubungi: 0817 22 6000
bbm: 27649C00
JL. Kebon Manggu No.20
Dekat dengan: King's, Yogya Kepatihan, Pasar Baru.
Dekat dengan jalan: Otto Iskandar Dinata, Jenderal Sudirman, Asia Afrika dan Dewi Sartika.
Keadaan Bangunan Baru dan Baik,
Sirkulasi Udara Baik,
tersedia garasi untuk parkir mobil / motor
Hubungi: 0817 22 6000
bbm: 27649C00
21 Mei, 2012
童話 - tong hua
wang le you duo jiu
I've forgotten how long it has been
zai mei ting dao ni
Since the last time I heard you
dui wo shuo ni zui ai de gu shi
Tell me your favorite story
wo xiang le hen jiu
I have thought for a long time
wo kai shi huang le
I start to panic
shi bu shi wo you zuo cuo le shen me
Wondering if I have done something wrong again
ni ku zhe dui wo shuo
You told me as you cried
tong hua li dou shi pian ren de
That everything in fairy tales are all lies
wo bu ke neng shi ni de wang zi
I couldn't possibly be your prince.
ye xu ni bu hui dong
But perhaps you don't understand either
cong ni shuo ai wo yi hou
Ever since you told me you loved me
wo de tian kong xing xing dou liang le
All the stars in my sky have brightened.
wo yuan bian cheng tong hua li
I'm willing to become the one in the fairy tale
ni ai de ne ge tian shi
The angel that you love
zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands
bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you
ni yao xiang xin
You must believe
xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale
xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending
ni ku zhe dui wo shuo
You told me as you cried
tong hua li dou shi pian ren de
That everything in fairy tales are all lies
wo bu ke neng shi ni de wang zi
I couldn't possibly be your prince.
ye xu ni bu hui dong
But perhaps you don't understand either
cong ni shuo ai wo yi hou
Ever since you told me you loved me
wo de tian kong xing xing dou liang le
All the stars in my sky have brightened.
wo yuan bian cheng tong hua li
I'm willing to become the one in the fairy tale
ni ai de ne ge tian shi
The angel that you love
zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands
bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you
ni yao xiang xin
You must believe
xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale
xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending
wo yao bian cheng tong hua li
I will to become the one in the fairy tale
ni ai de ne ge tian shi
The angel that you love
zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands
bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you
ni yao xiang xin
You must believe
xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale
xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending
wo hui bian cheng tong hua li
I will to become the one in the fairy tale
ni ai de ne ge tian shi
The angel that you love
zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands
bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you
ni yao xiang xin
You must believe
xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale
xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending
yi qi xie wo men de jie ju
Together we can write our own ending
wang le you duo jiu
I've forgotten how long it has been
zai mei ting dao ni
Since the last time I heard you
dui wo shuo ni zui ai de gu shi
Tell me your favorite story
wo xiang le hen jiu
I have thought for a long time
wo kai shi huang le
I start to panic
shi bu shi wo you zuo cuo le shen me
Wondering if I have done something wrong again
ni ku zhe dui wo shuo
You told me as you cried
tong hua li dou shi pian ren de
That everything in fairy tales are all lies
wo bu ke neng shi ni de wang zi
I couldn't possibly be your prince.
ye xu ni bu hui dong
But perhaps you don't understand either
cong ni shuo ai wo yi hou
Ever since you told me you loved me
wo de tian kong xing xing dou liang le
All the stars in my sky have brightened.
wo yuan bian cheng tong hua li
I'm willing to become the one in the fairy tale
ni ai de ne ge tian shi
The angel that you love
zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands
bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you
ni yao xiang xin
You must believe
xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale
xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending
ni ku zhe dui wo shuo
You told me as you cried
tong hua li dou shi pian ren de
That everything in fairy tales are all lies
wo bu ke neng shi ni de wang zi
I couldn't possibly be your prince.
ye xu ni bu hui dong
But perhaps you don't understand either
cong ni shuo ai wo yi hou
Ever since you told me you loved me
wo de tian kong xing xing dou liang le
All the stars in my sky have brightened.
wo yuan bian cheng tong hua li
I'm willing to become the one in the fairy tale
ni ai de ne ge tian shi
The angel that you love
zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands
bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you
ni yao xiang xin
You must believe
xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale
xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending
wo yao bian cheng tong hua li
I will to become the one in the fairy tale
ni ai de ne ge tian shi
The angel that you love
zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands
bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you
ni yao xiang xin
You must believe
xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale
xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending
wo hui bian cheng tong hua li
I will to become the one in the fairy tale
ni ai de ne ge tian shi
The angel that you love
zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands
bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you
ni yao xiang xin
You must believe
xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale
xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending
yi qi xie wo men de jie ju
Together we can write our own ending
16 Mei, 2012
Missing You - fly to the sky
Even if I tell myself that right now, its not like before
Even if you forget me completely,
Even if I am just a person that just went by
Tonight is just one night
Just like before I lost you
My heart wants to find you again
Why is it lingering like this?
I can't accept myself without you
Tonight is just one night
Just like before I lost you
Please listen to my heart just once
Everyday every night I am missing you
Even if you are not by my side,
Even if I can’t see you now,
In my heart, you are always the same
My heart that wants you again,
Why is it lingering like this?
I can’t actually realize that I don’t have you
Tonight is just one night
Just like before I lost you
Please listen to my heart just once
Everyday every night I am missing you
Even if you are not by my side,
Even if I can’t see you now,
In my heart, you are always the same
I don’t expect you to come back again
My heart is always trapped inside of yours
Please listen to my heart just once
(To me who can’t see you)
Everyday every night I am missing you
Even if you are not by my side
Even if I can’t see you now,
My heart is always..
because I’m loving you and missing you
Please listen to my heart just once
Everyday every night I am missing you
Even if you are not by my side,
Even if I can’t see you now,
In my heart, you are always the same
To me, you are always the same
Even if you forget me completely,
Even if I am just a person that just went by
Tonight is just one night
Just like before I lost you
My heart wants to find you again
Why is it lingering like this?
I can't accept myself without you
Tonight is just one night
Just like before I lost you
Please listen to my heart just once
Everyday every night I am missing you
Even if you are not by my side,
Even if I can’t see you now,
In my heart, you are always the same
My heart that wants you again,
Why is it lingering like this?
I can’t actually realize that I don’t have you
Tonight is just one night
Just like before I lost you
Please listen to my heart just once
Everyday every night I am missing you
Even if you are not by my side,
Even if I can’t see you now,
In my heart, you are always the same
I don’t expect you to come back again
My heart is always trapped inside of yours
Please listen to my heart just once
(To me who can’t see you)
Everyday every night I am missing you
Even if you are not by my side
Even if I can’t see you now,
My heart is always..
because I’m loving you and missing you
Please listen to my heart just once
Everyday every night I am missing you
Even if you are not by my side,
Even if I can’t see you now,
In my heart, you are always the same
To me, you are always the same
13 Mei, 2012
Permata Hatiku
Dengan segenap hati dan jiwaku
ku datang pada-MU dalam kerinduan
kasih-Mu yang sanggup mengubahku
dan menguatkanku dalam pengharapan
Yesus Engkaulah permata hatiku
dunia tak dapat menggantikan-Mu
kemuliaan-Mu tercurah bagiku
menjadikanku indah dan semakin indah bagi-Mu
ku datang pada-MU dalam kerinduan
kasih-Mu yang sanggup mengubahku
dan menguatkanku dalam pengharapan
Yesus Engkaulah permata hatiku
dunia tak dapat menggantikan-Mu
kemuliaan-Mu tercurah bagiku
menjadikanku indah dan semakin indah bagi-Mu
08 Mei, 2012
Miliki 2 Miliar untuk Pensiun di usia 55tahun
01 Mei, 2012
Dijual / Disewakan Apt. Gading Nias Residence (2 BR)
# Location: Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
# Tower/Floor : Alamanda / 23
# Size : 35 m2
# Bedroom. : 2
# Bathroom : 1
# Condition : Unfurnished
# Facility : Parking, Security 24 jam
# Additional Info : Listrik 1300 watt, air pam, dekat dengan mall, rumah sakit, international school
# Contact Number : 0817 22 6000
# Tower/Floor : Alamanda / 23
# Size : 35 m2
# Bedroom. : 2
# Bathroom : 1
# Condition : Unfurnished
# Facility : Parking, Security 24 jam
# Additional Info : Listrik 1300 watt, air pam, dekat dengan mall, rumah sakit, international school
# Contact Number : 0817 22 6000
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