21 November, 2008

=Detox Your Mind=

Your mind is one of your most powerful assets. When it works well, you can think rationally, make clear decisions and pursue your goals with confidence. But the negative effect of modern life, it is easy for your mental processes to become overworked and overloaded, leading to confusion, stress, and negative thinking.

As well as detoxing your lifestyle, habit, and body, you need to purge harmful, negative or toxic thoughts from your mind and learn to love and look after yourself. Meditating, having a relaxing bath, going for a walk, affirmations, anything uplifting and relaxing will help you to let go of your problems. Forgetting your problems for a while is good for your health as well as your mind.

The Body Beautiful:
>> HEAD-CONTROL CENTRE [Planning & thinking]
>> HEART-DOING CENTRE [From the inner desire to do, create & express]
>> HANDS-MOVING CENTRE [From inner movement to expression & direction]

Affirmation, Positive Thinking
Most people have an inner critic in their head that pipes up every now and again telling them that they can’t do something, that they don’t deserve it, or that they are not good enough.
Although your inner critic may seem to be a negative force, it does not always work against you. Sometimes it may be attempting to keep your behaviour in check or trying to protect you from making a mistake. But when your inner critic’s intervention in some situations doesn’t relevant anymore and get in the way of your good intentions, that means your inner critic must be kept in check.
When your inner critic start giving you the negative pictures or thoughts, say silently to yourself ‘STOP!’ and replace it with a positive affirmation.

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